Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Colour coded screen prints on paper - FINAL

After printing these images, which are colour coded by season (using only 3 colours but blending two together to signify Autumn and Spring) I had the realisation that I should have just included a 4th colour. After all, as you can clearly see in these images, the bright orange which is the code for organic materials becomes a distinctly brown colour in areas where the items are more dense.
This idea hit me just a couple of weeks out of our deadline and I thought it was a shame that I wouldn't have time to execute it. Not on the scale I wanted to, anyway. Especially since I'd already cleaned off the screens from the conveyor belt prints, so I would have to do everything from scratch again.
But what the hey. Time running out, I went for it.
Here is the outcome. 50+ individual prints, spread across 5 A1 pages, to make a sort of 'mural', or suite of adjoining prints, that is 3 metres long.
The title is 'Arrivals'

Side by side - these can be laid out in any order, as the images form a continuous loop: