Sunday, April 12, 2015


This article caught my attention in the weekend: NZ Herald: “Shaming the almonds…”

It takes one gallon of water to grow one nut.

BUT, so did this one: LA Times: “Are almonds and other nuts really drought villains?”

So how do nuts stack up to meats? When comparing the global average water footprints, nuts overall have a far lower water footprint when looking at per ton and calorie rates, especially when compared with beef, according to a report on the water footprint of animal products which you can download in full here.

Replacing all meat by an equivalent amount of crop products such as pulses and nuts will result in a 30% reduction of the food-related water footprint of the average American citizen,“ water experts and authors of the report, Mesfin Mekonnen and Arjen Hoekstra say.