Tuesday, March 3, 2015

[Note: above images are from my gap year in 2013, which I spent trawling the art galleries of Europe and taking lots of photos of artworks that I liked. Over the past summer I have organised+compiled all of these. By doing so and uploading them here I’m hoping to find connections and identify common elements, creating a record of the things I felt drawn to and inspired by.]
Top: works from the Peggy Guggenheim collection, Venice.
Jean Helion: Fille au mannequin / two works by Pegeen Vail Guggenheim.
Bottom: Paintings from the Palazzo Ducale, Venice; bottom image from ‘Manet: Return to Venice' (This exhibition from the Musee d'Orsay’s collection was not on display when I visited Paris - but as luck would have it, I got to see it in Venice instead!)