Sunday, March 29, 2015

Documentation: Weeks 3-4

“Garden Fresh”

Copper etching, roughly A4 size

When I was younger I was a really really picky eater - the kid who never ate any vegetables, ever. 

Eventually I started eating some veggies, but I was incredibly wary of them for most of my teenage years, and if I found a bug in my salad, it was the end of the world, it was totally gross and disgusting and there was no way I going to eat another bite of green stuff, probably for another week at least.

How times have changed. Now I eat as many veggies as I can each day, and if I find a bug on my salad, I just pick it off and keep eating. And when this happens it actually makes me really happy. I take it as a good sign, because:

a: it’s nutritious (the bugs obviously want to eat it and I trust their judgement)
b: it’s super fresh (especially if the bug is still alive - great sign)
c: it means there were no nasty pesticides/insecticides on the plants I’m eating.

Most of the bugs in this etching were drawn using “An illustrated guide to some New Zealand insect families” (Elizabeth A Grant) for reference.

EDIT: This is totally about STDs as well. How shunga are those frilly lettuces?